Mar 26, 2010

Mathematical Logic and Computability

I'll be teaching logic to graduate students in philosophy this coming semester. The textbook I'll use is H. Jerome Keisler et al.'s (1996) Mathematical Logic and Computability. Despite the fact that it has many typos, I like this book. It uses tableaus for proofs and register machines for computation. It contains a detailed treatment of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems. The book's level is definitely more adequate for my purposes than Boolos and Jeffrey's Computability and Logic. I'll see how much of the book I can cover in two semesters.

The book is out of print, but I found a PDF version at the following URL:

This version is different from the older version that shows up in Google Scholar. It's not exactly the same as the printed book, but it's very close. (The title page of the PDF version lists Paul Corazza, H. Jerome Keisler, Kenneth Kunen, Terrence Millar, Arnold Miller, and Joel Robbin as the authors.)

The review by Leon Harkleroad states that the definition of a recursively enumerable set in an exercise to Chapter 5 is incorrect. I see nothing wrong with the definition, which reads:

A subset AN is recursively enumerable (or r.e.) if A = ∅ or A is the range of a total computable function

The book comes with a software package designed for DOS and Windows. In the words of the authors, "The programs are copyrighted by the authors of this book and are part of the public domain." I can't find the software anywhere on the web, but fortunately I still keep the diskette that came with my copy of the book. I was able to run it on my Mac using CrossOver Mac. With WineBottler I had less success.

Mar 2, 2010

Kit Fine's situation semantics

Kit Fine gave an invited talk at the Third Interdisciplinary Ontology Conference on Sunday, titled "A State-Based Approach to the Frame Problem". He gives a kind of situation semantics to the classical propositional language, and then extends it to a hybrid modal language for reasoning about change.

A model for the propositional language is an ordered triple (S,≤,[ ]), where (S,≤) is a partially ordered set of states (his term for partial situations), subject to certain conditions, and [ ] is a valuation function assigning each propositional variable a pair ([p]+,[p]-) of sets of verifying and falsifying states, subject to certain natural conditions. The recursive clauses for ∧ and ∨ are interesting:

s verifies B ∧ C if for some t and u, t verifies B, u verifies C, and s = t+u (the l.u.b of {t,u}).
s falsifies B ∧ C if s falsifies B or s falsifies C or for some t and u, t falsifies B, u falsifies C, and s = t+u.

s verifies B ∨ C if s verifies B or s verifies C or for some t and u, t verifies B, u verifies C, and s = t+u.
s falsifies B ∨ C if for some t and u, t falsifies B, u falsifies C, and s = t+u.

Let (S,≤) be the upper semi-lattice generated by three states s1, s2, s3. Then (S,≤) is a state space according to Fine's definition. Let p1, p2, p3 be propositional variables, and for each i = 1,2,3, let

[pi]+ = { si }, [pi]- = ∅.

Then (S,≤,[ ]) is a model. The formula (p1 ∧ p2) ∨ p3 is verified by the states s1+s2, s3, and s1+s2+s3, but not by any other states. This means that the recursive clauses do not preserve the following condition on the sets of verifying and falsifying states of a formula:

s verifies A, u verifies A, and s ≤ t ≤ u imply t verifies A.
s falsifies A, u falsifies A, and s ≤ t ≤ u imply t falsifies A.